"D" amps, general discussion who's 1 and why?

There sure seems to be allot of continued "BUZZ" regarding "D" amps. I am reading more and more SET/Tube users and lovers actually recommending and using them.

So what are your thoughts.

ICE makes the modules. Great amp designers, the ones who understand the principles of good basic conventional amp design, have the best chance making great ICE amps.

Henry Ho works out of Texas building his amps and preamps there. If you look at the picture of the inside of my amps on my system, you will see this is far from being a module in a box. The analog power supply is more than just a transformer and caps.

Jeff Rowland has a proven his metal designing conventional amps. There is no question he is the master of great looks.
Spectron did offer a 30 day trial not sure if they do anymore but anyone knowing class "D" product and the break-in time is very long so that just doesn't work. Previous from above,,,, ,Yes and so did Bel Canto,then they went to 2 weeks,You sure cant evaluate these amps in 2 weeks no way no how.What do you think a manufacturer is going to say,of course they will say new and improved.These amps are so system dependent its almost funny and funny not in a good way.So in essence since a 2 or 4 week trial really isnt very revealing what is a person supposed to do?It just comes down to individual choice,but if you think these amps are going to part the red seas,you would be sadly mistaken.
Muralman1, I can only comment on the Rowland Cardas GR combination as working very, very well, with no hiss. I don't know what's wrong with your PS Audio that would cause a hiss. On the Rowland I've only heard it in balanced mode with the Cardas. There's similar no issues with Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval ICs, which I use, in balanced mode, but I've tried in RCA configuration with no issue.

Oh, the longest Cardas GR that I've heard is around 6-feet. You say yours are "long", how long? (I use 20" Klotz XLRs all the time as condenser mic cables and have no issues. I'll have to throw a pair into the audio system to see what happens).

Dev, there's no sonic penalty for more power with Rowland. What speakers are you driving and how sensitive are they? 500/800 watts into 8/4 ohms may seem like overkill, but with speakers that need damping and control it's magical. Still, watts cost money.

Coffeey, have you done any direct comparison of any of these amps personally, if so which ones and what was you take good or bad.

I have read from others who have replace very well respected amps and a few who are SET lovers going this way which peaks my interest and I'm always open minded, if it works than it's okay by me.

Dcstep, it's really not the watts that I'm after there's more to it than that. This system I'm using MBL 101E's which people think are really hard to drive but what I have found doing research and personally experimenting with them that when in a room and loaded they are quiet easy to drive. I previously had a CAT 100 watt tube amp set-up with them with plenty of head room, I'm currently using them with 60 watt mono blocks which I just put in place for a hold over while looking for a replacement of the CAT's. I was not exspecting anything from these 60 watters and prior to installing them was wondering would these even drive them, well I am really shocked what they are doing and enjoying listening to my music.

Muralman1, I have seen your pics and viewed the inside of the amps which most defiantly look different than others but all I'm looking for is the end result. Have you done any direct comparisons to Rowland, Spectron, Bel Canto in your own system and if so what were your findings. I have not found many who flavour this specific line that you are using so more info. would be beneficial and welcomed.