I am in the process of breaking the V-caps and they sound very fat and bloated, no space between the instruments for the first 100 hrs. I am at about 200 hours and they are now listenable, top end is better, and they are starting to sound different on every disc...to me the acid test. Before, the sound was very generic and the same...not good. They are neither warm or bright, they are just as the source is...neutral. I am using (4) .22/600V coupling caps and (2).47 600V caps. They are being compared to some custom styrenes, which up until now have been the reference I have heard. The v-caps must be heard to be believed. They are the real deal. Forget power cords, and resonance things until your caps are settled. Spending 2k on a cord when you could spend it on caps is not wise IMHO. Jallen