DOA tube from Audio Research

I just opened a matched quad set of 6550 tubes I bought last year from ARC and one of them is DOA. How can this have happened? I thought they were the most highly screened and tested tubes available. Has anyone else ever had this happen? I immediately called their support line and got the support guys voice mail saying he is on vacation. This is really frustrating. I've been waiting until I had some spare time to listen at length to the KT88s I put in last year before I switched over to the new 6550s. DAMN IT!!!

VPI Classic, Rotel DAC, ARC SP17, ARC VS60, Golden Ear Triton 2s, Nordost and Shunyata. A reasonably decent system that I rarely have time to listen to.
You should always try out tubes when you get them. Audio Research might just tell you that they are a year old. How would you prove to them that they were never used?
Thanks for the responses guys. I have a compu-bias meter. I didn't change the bias at all from where it was which by the way was on the low side of what the manual recommends. There is no recommendation to reduce bias before tube installation anywhere in the manual. The amp comes from the factory already biased. And yes I did swap sockets and confirm that it was the tube and not a blown resistor. I got a call back yesterday from one of the other ARC guys and he had me send an email to their service department. Th tube was definitely DOA as you can easily see the slow turn on and ramp of the bias current and output power with the comps-bias meter. It didn't arc, pop or any other telltale of failing on installation.

I've been wondering about the use of the KT120s. Thanks for the info BIF. I will definitely inquire with the service guy when we communicate. My local ARC dealer actually suggested the same thing last year. What kind of difference did you hear?