Should I get a new amp?

I just picked up a fresh pair of Focal/JMLab Electra 1027be's and I'm now looking toward a possible amp upgrade. Currently, I have an older Outlaw 750 (165w x 5 @ 8ohm) pushing them but I'm itching to upgrade. Question is, will I really hear a big difference? That's when all you guys come in with your opinions :-)

My amp budget is about $1,500 (used from A-Gon is fine) and I'm only interested in 2 channel amps. I would continue to push the rest of my HT speakers with the Outlaw, so this amp would be dedicated to the 1027s.

This would also be for about 95% music, 5% HT.

I can get an Anthem Statement A2 for about $1,000 or a P2 for about $2,000 (little over budget...but might be willing to stretch) but I don't know if there is something better in my price range.

And finally, my room is narrow. 11' wide, 20' long (with an open back), and 7.5" high (basement). My speakers are on the short wall firing down the room toward the open end. I tend to sit about 7' off the speakers for listening.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated, as always.

Thanks guys!

JM Lab speakers are particularly special when driven by tubes, IMO. It's too bad that they're not particularly tube friendly. I was driving the Mini Utopias with a 70W conrad johnson. Does it work? Yes. But I would like to encourage those who say that they're happy driving their JM Labs with 50 Watts or so, to try and listen to them with bigger amps. When I threw 200W cjs at the Mini's, they really came alive, relatively speaking.
I agree with others who stated that JM Focal speakers can use the harmonics from tube amps. I have another SS power amp, rated at 200Wpc/8ohms and 400Wpc/4ohms, and my Alto Utopias sound a bit dry with it.

So I ended up with a completely redone Counterpoint NP100 power amp that is rated at 100Wpc/8ohms and 200Wpc/4ohms. It is a hybrid amp with tube gain stage and SS output stage. Mike Elliott voiced it like SET amp sonic signature. (Yes, its upper mid-range does sound like my 300B SET amp.)

200Wpc/4ohms may sound like a lot of power. But when I play Beethoven Symphony No. 9, it is barely enough towards the end. I can't imagine if it only had 50Wpc......
That Counterpoint sounds like a good option, I do think the hybrid idea makes sense here. As to watts, I think it is really an issue of the impedance challenges presented by the speaker, not the sensitivity - these speakers need current. My Merlins are 89db and sound extremely "complete" with just 30 watts from the Ars Sonum and 60 watts from the Atma-sphere. The difference? A very benign impedance curve, very easy on tubes, and that is all the difference in the world. Massive tube amps could proabably overcome this handicap, but seems like the wrong approach. Did someone mention the Odyssey amplfiers in this thread? Those are pretty nice SS amps at a very reasonable price.
There is a Llano Trinity 200 Tube amp for sale on A-Gon right now that's in my budget. They are 200wpc and I've heard great things about Llano amps, but never heard one myself. Any opinions/thoughts on this amp pushing these 1027be's? It also seems to cover the high-current characteristic. May this be my perfect amp given the circumstances?

Any/all opinions welcome.

Do you use a sub? If so your choices IMO expand looking at tube amps, or tube ints, which are a real good suggestion... eg., Prima Luna, Antique Sound Labs, Cary, VTL, etc. Even some under 100 wpc.

your desires for bass output will matter too. though I feel with tubes and your 1027s, the 'slam' aspect SS provides therre will be lessened some... although again, that's a taste thing as well.

True enough, an ALL tubes power train reveals a different sound than SS + HS (hollow state), and some find it pleasing enough... I did and still do depending on the mood and genre of music. The better the tube preamp in that case, the better however.

The issue I had in going tubes was the same as yours and many others.... finding the right power match, AND the right sonic result. I beleive my true aim is for SET, (single ended triodes) which are quite low in power output comparitively speaking. Under 20 wpc, usually. that path entails a much keener match of amps and speakers. Much.

So I compromised. Some. Given your budgetary constraints I would think some compromises are in order for an all tube int in the $1500 range. Flexibility with rolling of tubes is another great idea. The PL int affords you that too. the one I'm thinking of can run in ultralinear at 100 wpc, and 50 in SET and can use various tube compliments so you can get a shot at finding 'your' sound better.

I ran a 60wpc tube amp in a larger room than yours on lesser eff speakers with as difficult to drive loads and got decent sound levels, none of those pairs of speakers went lower in bass than do your 1027b's. Consequently, I added a sub and was very good with the outcome.

later on I went up to mono block tube amps, and changed speakers.

so my single caveat for you to consider is this, Things change. As much as we would all like to have our next move in audio be our last, it seldom ever is our last. seldom too is our next move the perfect one.

so if you are thinking to 'try' tubes, then just do that... try. you won't go too far wrong, IF AT ALL... if bought right, very likely none at all as you can sell it later.