What's the solid state amp to buy $2500?

I've been out of the loop for a couple years enjoying my Harbeth C7s with a pair of Joule 18w SET monos. My tastes have shifted and I'm looking for a solid state amp for the setup. System is vinyl only with Herron tube pre and phono.
Bel Canto ref150s stereo or ref500m monos, or any Jeff Roland that might come up under budget. Wyred4Sound another good option. These are all Class D amplifiers.

A real bargain for tube like sound in a SS design is Tube Audio Design Hibachi monoblocks. That will leave a lot of change to play with if you can find a pair.
Maybe a Class A solid state amp would get you what you're looking for without losing too much tonality or fluidity. There's a Plinius SA103 and Pass Labs XA100.5s for sale here that might be worth a look. Or maybe a McCormack DNA 500 or a hybrid like a Rogue Medusa, although you might need to change the input tubes to get the right tonal balance as stock tubes may leave you a little cold. Just some ideas, but best of luck.
Ah crap. Forgot about price limit. Except for the Medusa used I need to downgrade my recommendations. There's a Plinius SA102 for sale in your price range and a McCormack DNA250 a bit lower. Got nothing for Pass, but Reno HiFi is offering an intro discount for the new First Watt F6 that's in your price range and you can demo. Sorry for the brain fart.