Which tubed pre to "flesh out" my mids???

Hello all...It is finally time to insert a linestage between my Wadia 302 and ASL 1009's. Ultimate priorities are a rich, lush midrange, and a tight bottom end. My preference leans toward the euphonic side, but I can't sacrifice much detail or dynamics to get it. I won't get a chance to audition much stuff prior to purchasing since I'll be buying used off the net...so if anyone has a clue how some linestages will work within my system and to my stated taste, any help would be appreciated...TIA.

Some contenders are the Joule LA-150mk11, Cat Ultimate, Supratek (forgot the model), Hovland (forget the model again), basically anything under $3k used thought that may rule out the Cat.


Wadia 302
ASL 1009DT
Sonus Faber Guarneri
TG Audio ic & speaker cables
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My preference leans toward the euphonic side, but I can't sacrifice much detail or dynamics to get it.

In my opinion that describes the Dehavilland Ultra Verve. I thought Dick Olsher's review (google or see at Dehavilland web site) was accurate and it's right at your price point.
I personally didn't care for the Joule, and the CAT is unlikely to "flesh out my mids," although with the CAT your bottom will be tighter than Halle Berry's. That CAT Ultimate II is a pretty nice preamp, and threw the absolute best bass I ever heard from my system - amazing. Otherwise, I found the CAT very clear, but for me a little too clear and slightly "hard" sounding, maybe due to the 29db gain. I found the MP3 mentioned to be quite clear and very "present" sounding, with good bass. If you can put up with a little more phat on your bottom, sort of a J Lo full but still nice bottom end, you could try the VTL 5.5 - one was just listed and sold in only a day or two. The VTL's midrange is rich sounding and the highs are nicely extended for a tubed preamp, also they usually go for about $2-2.5K. However, overall, if it were my $3K, I would not hesitate to pick off one of the listed Lamm LL2's.