Which tubed pre to "flesh out" my mids???

Hello all...It is finally time to insert a linestage between my Wadia 302 and ASL 1009's. Ultimate priorities are a rich, lush midrange, and a tight bottom end. My preference leans toward the euphonic side, but I can't sacrifice much detail or dynamics to get it. I won't get a chance to audition much stuff prior to purchasing since I'll be buying used off the net...so if anyone has a clue how some linestages will work within my system and to my stated taste, any help would be appreciated...TIA.

Some contenders are the Joule LA-150mk11, Cat Ultimate, Supratek (forgot the model), Hovland (forget the model again), basically anything under $3k used thought that may rule out the Cat.


Wadia 302
ASL 1009DT
Sonus Faber Guarneri
TG Audio ic & speaker cables
Interesting post. Good stuff being discussed, but if your analysis of the the '302' is the same as mine, that is if anything the highs are a bit rolled but the mid-range and upper-mid range are a tad too crist (too fast or shortened decay, perhaps) then a SOTA pre-amp may be less of a solution than a pre-amp that allows you to get where you want to go by tube selection. FWIW, I never got where I wanted to go with my '302' direct to 6 different amps with all kinds of tubes, nor thru a couple of excellent pre-amps with limited tube selection. So far it sounds best to me using some fairly modest stuff (amp and pre-amp) which is very tunable without breaking the bank.

2nd the First Sound Deluxe.Tube rolling for desired sound is simple and Emmanual Go is wonderful on service.
If your source and amp are balanced designs (more than just having XLR I/Os) then your priority would be a balanced tube pre such as BAT, Vincent just came out with one though I have no idea as to its' sonic signature
I replaced a CJ Premier 17LS2 with an Aesthetix Calypso and couldn't be happier.
Any tubed preamp in the Blue Circle line (BC 3, BC3000, etc.). BC preamps really shine in the mids.