Which tubed pre to "flesh out" my mids???

Hello all...It is finally time to insert a linestage between my Wadia 302 and ASL 1009's. Ultimate priorities are a rich, lush midrange, and a tight bottom end. My preference leans toward the euphonic side, but I can't sacrifice much detail or dynamics to get it. I won't get a chance to audition much stuff prior to purchasing since I'll be buying used off the net...so if anyone has a clue how some linestages will work within my system and to my stated taste, any help would be appreciated...TIA.

Some contenders are the Joule LA-150mk11, Cat Ultimate, Supratek (forgot the model), Hovland (forget the model again), basically anything under $3k used thought that may rule out the Cat.


Wadia 302
ASL 1009DT
Sonus Faber Guarneri
TG Audio ic & speaker cables
Save your money and buy an Eastern Electric Minimax then experiment with different tubes. This thing is a Chameleon.
Audio Note Kits M3 MKII. bellaextreme dot com can assemble one with their own flavor of paasive parts. I'll never part with mine.
Joule-Electra issued, just now, super killer - to be shown at CES 2009 and I would start right there. Their previous preamp received Golden Ear Award from Harry Pearson of TAS last year so I presume this one should be indeed the "killer"
All The Best
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Dear Tvad - you are absolutely right. I have REX by BAT ($20k) and I know that Joule-Electra "Marianne Electra Memorial Edition Preamp" is much cheaper ...but not $3k. I saw in his list "Joule-Electra LA-150 MkII" and forgot about...pricing
My apologies