Which tubed pre to "flesh out" my mids???

Hello all...It is finally time to insert a linestage between my Wadia 302 and ASL 1009's. Ultimate priorities are a rich, lush midrange, and a tight bottom end. My preference leans toward the euphonic side, but I can't sacrifice much detail or dynamics to get it. I won't get a chance to audition much stuff prior to purchasing since I'll be buying used off the net...so if anyone has a clue how some linestages will work within my system and to my stated taste, any help would be appreciated...TIA.

Some contenders are the Joule LA-150mk11, Cat Ultimate, Supratek (forgot the model), Hovland (forget the model again), basically anything under $3k used thought that may rule out the Cat.


Wadia 302
ASL 1009DT
Sonus Faber Guarneri
TG Audio ic & speaker cables
Joule-Electra issued, just now, super killer - to be shown at CES 2009 and I would start right there. Their previous preamp received Golden Ear Award from Harry Pearson of TAS last year so I presume this one should be indeed the "killer"
All The Best
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Dear Tvad - you are absolutely right. I have REX by BAT ($20k) and I know that Joule-Electra "Marianne Electra Memorial Edition Preamp" is much cheaper ...but not $3k. I saw in his list "Joule-Electra LA-150 MkII" and forgot about...pricing
My apologies
Hey Jman,

To me I would add a Blue Circle BC3 to your list...maybe an BC3000 version 1...

The Joule (I have a LA150 gen1 here, with the 6c45/6h30 circuit which is the most detailed and neutral of the LA150 gen1 or gen2 preamps I have listened to here, as the gen2 LA150 uses the 6350 tubes to great effect, warming things up a bit, softening the edges a hair - giving everything a little more "wet" presentation...) Anyway, the Joule doesn't really tighten the bass here, if anything it really fleshes it out, from the midbass on down...Big Bottom! But if you are looking to tighten things up, the Joule might not be it. As I hear it, tightening things up means to help clear it up, maybe less bass just more detailed too; which the Joule tends to fill it out more...

I moved from a BC3 Galatea to the Joule to bring the bass out more here. Flesh it out. The BC has great clean bass, and soundstages DEEP into the Bass, but it doesn't add anything. Great Mids!, superb layering and depth with seperation in the stage. Not as wide a stage as the Joule, but better depth... But the Joule adds and fills out the midbass and deep bass here. loosened it up a bit if anything. (which is what I was looking for with my Merlin VSM MXe speakers...). And Gilbert @ Blue Circle has/uses Wadia sources in his test systems. Its worth a Listen, esp as TG and BC play VERY nice together!
Joule-Electra bass is not tight? Perhaps if you put your preamp on Aurious or similar vibration control device, use tube dumpers (as NOS have some small tendency to have microphonic noise) it should tighten and clean things out for you substantially
All The Best