VAC owners, sound off

I've got my eye on a used VAC preamp here on agon, but it's over 9 years old. A phone call to Kevin Hayes was helpful, but he's not exactly unbiased. Anyone care to chime in on their experiences with VAC gear over the long term? thanks
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I own a bit of VAC gear, find it to be of exceptional build quality and in the event it were not, Kevin has been absolutely terrific to work with.

The guys are right, VAC gear has it's own sound that you will need to hear and spend some time with in your own system to make the best determination for yourself. However, I believe your intent was to ask about reliability and relelvance of older VAC pre's. Not a worry in either case is my opinion. I will own these pieces the rest of my life.
Like someone said earlier, you would have a hard time finding a better way to spend $1,500 for a good preamp. Whether you like it or not, I would think you would though, you just have to try it. Now if you can describe a type of sound you like like lets say warm and smooth, versus fast and detailed just as a general orientation we might be able to direct you to some options. But if I had $1,500 to spend, that VAC looks mighty good to me.
Also, keep in mind, whatever vintage VAC preamp you are looking at, make sure that its output impedance matches well with the input impedance of your amp/s. This is a very important parameter to match up front in helping you to make your decision.