Solid state amp/Tube Preamp. Possible?

Hi everyone. I have a Classe CA300 power amp & I'm thinking of getting a BAT tube preamp w/phone pre. A BAT VK-3i to be exact. My speakers are B&W 802's with a Linn Wakonda Pre at present with a Sota table. The Linn has a on board phone pre but I run my table through a Musical Fidelity X-LPS ver 3 phono pre. I'm thinking of replacing the Linn & X-LPS with the BAT VK-3i. I know BAT's reputation is outstanding just worried about the tube pre matched with a solid state amp. Any ideas or experience with this type of set up would be appreciated.

Cheers Deanna
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I have actually had the Classe 400 with the BAT VK-3i and the match was excellent driving my older Mirage M3 speakers. I had the Odyssey Stratos with that system as well, and the sound was also excellent. The CDP was a Meridian, warmest most musical system I probably have had in 1 room.
I think your going in the right direction.

My first tubed component was a preamp matched to a solid state amp and it was not a problem. Matching the impedance as listed in some other posts is usually not a problem either. I also think that if you are going to move towards tubes, you are headed in the right direction and will probably get more pleasing results with the tubed preamp rather than if you had a tube power amp with a solid state preamp. Just my opinion!!
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I use a Supratek Chenin with a Gilmore Class D amp and the combo sounds sensational. No impedance problems there. The output impedance of the Supratek is ~200ohms, so it matches up well with just about any amp.