Although not a tube amplifier - it is an integrated unit...I would go with the Rogue Audio Cronus and spend some to upgrade my CD unit or use the CD player for a transport and but a nice DAV from Pacific or someplace. I own a Rogue as well as a BAT VX300Xse with super tubes. The Rogue is not in the same class as the BAT - it is as musical and has extremely nice low-end extension. I have the Rogue in-line and the BAT in a box. I do not miss the BAT - although I miss the low-level sonic detail of the BAT - but the pure musicality of the Rogue makes me forget that small oversight. For the price of $1795 with remote - the Rogue is the best value in audio - next to the Naim 5...but I prefer the Rogue as you can experiment with tubes. I use vintage EL34's and 10M series 12AU7's and 12AX7's. While this does boost the cost a bit - the Rogue form the box is better than any sub $2000 combo I have heard - new or used.