Anyone using the Transistor Research LabsM 225's

On the grapevine I have heard that these amps are good enough to be the end of the line. Given their reasonable cost - that would be great news. Any comments?
Thanks for checking the return option out. I also see your point about no dealer network. I live in the boonies so have never had the opportunity of in-home trails with exception on a kind VonSchweikert dealer who drove about three hours and set up my speakers with a 30 day guarantee. I kept them and he went out of business when VS went to on line sales.
Clio thanks for the offer of contact.
My new M225's are coming in Monday. I will post my initial comments and a full review soon. I moved up to the TRL Dude tubed preamp and M225 mono's from by S225 integrated amp.

Tvad is correct as most every TRL owner knows this stuff is very special indeed. The new Dude tubed preamp is an absolute marvel my friends.

I also own Paul's speaker and power cables as well as his highly modified Sony CD player with battery power supply.

I purchased all of this over the last year or so. His stuff is so good it's like a whole new medium to replay music has emerged in my music room. I have an audio friend that has a way with words and I will steal a line from him here. The TRL gear I have owned makes the other gear I have owned sound like toys. Ha!

What's important is we all share our experiences in an honest and even passionate manner. I have always done this as well as other passionate posters. This is how we all learn about awesome gear from the big boys to the small and silent.

Have fun!
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TVAD, is that what I said?

One must also consider past history. Isn't there an APL thread you can go play on?

BTW - for the rest following this thread some other information from Paul that was provided to Tvad in the second paragraph of his email response (which Tvad omitted) and that might be of interest:

"The amp is single-nded (rca) on the input, and normal
dual-Cardas output posts. It does around 300W into 8 ohm,
about double that for 4-ohm loads, and not sure what it does at 2. We've never heard it clip or distort. I can tell
when my $140K GTR800 amp starts compressing bass when played real loud with a tough load."

So it appears that the amp will increase power into tougher loads.

I think Grannyring's testament is quite revealing of what to expect when you own any TRL gear. This coming from someone who has posted an impressive list of equipment that they had previous to TRL.

Bill - glad you're enjoying the cables. Quite the monster's aren't they with all that solid core copper. Any thought to trying a set of TRL speakers?