Since my D-225 is for sale, I wasn't going to post here. I didn't want it to look like I was promoting my ad. But since Tvad already mentioned it, I'll throw in my opinion.
I owned NuForce Ref 9's & Ref 9 V2's for about 1 1/2 years. I really enjoyed them, the detail and especially the bass, was better than anything I had previously heard. And for the money, they were a bargain. The only downside (for me), they weren't the most "musical" amps.
After the NuForce amps, I bought a Belles 150A Reference. Again, I really liked this amp. Not quite the bass of the NuForce, but more musically involving. This was going to be my last amp and I was hoping to buy a second and use them as monoblocks. Then the I saw the TRL D-225 for sale.
Enter the TRL D-225. Whole new world! As someone else wrote, all of the typical audiophile adjectives fail to do justice to what I heard. It just sounds like music. Unmatched low-end control of my Vandersteen 3a Signatures and absolutely, positively dead quiet. Crazy quiet. Paul recently contacted me and offered to upgrade mine to the new power supply, which according to him, will make it quieter yet.
I have no inside knowledge and I haven't opened mine up, but for what it's worth, the D-225 does not sound like a digital amp to me.