OPINIONS: solid state amps under $2000

I am an orthodox tube guy for life, no doubt, so I don't really know that much about SS gear. For various reasons I am now interested in a solid state amp (or integrated) for a second system. Any opinions for under 2 grand (used on a-gon)?
Yes. FWIW, IMHO, I recently purchased a YBA Integre DT, with phono stage for my bedroom system (Toshiba sd9200, AR TT with shure v15 cartridge, AR dac 3, McIntosh mr78 tuner, and Martin Logan sl 3's). I leave it on all the time, and it runs cool. Sound is articulate, refined, and detailed, as well as very easy to listen to and enjoy(music thru the night,etc.) Look at the YBA stuff, you will be glad you did. I am. Happy listening.
You can satisfy both your cravings by getting a Butler TDB-2250: MOSFET-based, tube hybrid. There is one on Agon for $2200/obo - I bet you can get it for $1995, check it out:

you could look at some of the older Classe gear such as the DR-9,10 and 8 series. They are well built and the sonics are excellent with Classe service being excellent to. You will have money left over for any other upgrade, or just more for software.