Hi-End Electronics to drive B&W 804S speakers?

I am currently evaluating elctronics to drive B&W 804S speakers. My dilemma is deciding the best electronics - both how much to scan and what to choose finally that best matches with the speakers here. The options that I have shortlisted are as follows (now again they can be potentially be limited because I am in Paris or the salesman did a good job selling me) -

1. Classe System - Integrated Amp (CAP 2100), CD Player (CDP102)

2. Linn System - Pre Amp (Akurate Kontrol), Amp (Akurate 2200), CD Player (Akuate CD)

Can anyone provide guidance on if these are a good match with the B&W speakers 804S - which one of them goes better with them. Or am I completing missing the picture here? I have looked at a few but these two sounded most impressive. I did not hear Macintosh and some other names that I hear here like Rotel, Marantz. Any help would be appreciated before I pledge my greens in this recessionary environment.

thanks & cheers.
I too traded up to the 803S. I ended up purchasing a Mac 352 from Audio Classics, which most will agree is the best deal for a quality amp around. The sound is astounding and gets better with time.
So I evaluated MC402 with c2300 pre amp and also another MI solid state pre-amp. I have earlier heard Linn and Classe electronics and I have to say, I was overwhelmed by Linn. The experience was breathtaking. The MC402 with C2300 sounds so much complete and fuller sound - I am not a sound geek but I know a good sound when I hear one! The speakers here B&W 803S roared with this combination. I have to say that with Classe and Linn earlier I came back happy but this was absolutely thrilling experience..I agree with some of the observations made earlier that B&W speakers are very power hungry and therefore the more the better..

I listen to varied kind of music and I did not find the combo disappointing in anyway.. may be its my novice observation but I found the right amount of detail when I heard Marvin Gaye..giving a very good 3 dimensional feel as the songs are being rendered... and I found equally good bass and mid range listening to Simon garfunkel, Pink Floyd, Scorpions and other world music..

I am currently based in paris and the current dilemma is buying something as expensive as this is Euros when I am hoping to go back to US in 18 months timeframe.. add to that the cost of changing the input voltage.. any good suggestions on what to do here..

Hope this helps.. suggestions welcome on my dilemma here and also any other alternatives.

In the first paragraph.. comparing MI to both Linn and Classe, I meant to say - "I have earlier heard Linn and Classe electronics and I have to say, I was overwhelmed by McIntosh."