Mcintosh c46 balanced input vs. fully balanced pre

I am considering a mcintosh c46 preamp for my system which includes Esoteric X03SE, Mc501 amps and B&W 802D. I know I can run balanced cables throughout. The C46 has just one "balanced" input and balanced outs. My question is: Is this balanced input / output on the C46 the same as any "fully balanced" preamp ie. the C200 or is there some compromise going on? Much thanks in advance for clarification......Also any comments on the C46 in my system?
Merely having balanced inputs/outputs is indeed different from having a balanced circuit design (input and output).

Just because a component has balanced inputs/outputs does not necessarily mean that its circuit has been designed that way.

If properly implemented, a balanced circuit design will lead to, among other things, a lower noise floor due to what is called common mode rejection.
Just as I Thought. So "fully balanced" is a significant description of design. "Balanced inputs and outputs" means something different, a convenience. Thank you for the knowledge.....
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