Lamm ML2.1 monos with MBL 101E, OPINIONS

Lamm ML2.1 Single Ended Triode Mono Amps, any one tried these amps with MBL 101E speakers.

I know they are 18 watts but I have learned that not all watts are equal.

I was just reading info. from another member where he said;

"Finally I would love to prove to you that my 18 wpc SET Lamm amps will light up your ears more so than the 600 wpc SS Boulder amp that you love so much."

Opinions welcome but kindly specifically related to these amps.
okay, here is my two cents, you love the lamms? Okay biamp the highs and lows, get a higher power low end for the woofers. Know what else I have done? taken out the jumpers and put three amps on the thing because the football takes a bit of power as well. If you put an amp in the mid output the tweeter and midtweeter are isolated. I love tube amps, I love MBLs more. I wanted to try the VTL Siegfried but couldn't get a pair to demo.
Dev, Dartzeel is comming out with some new monoblocks this summer. JTinn was using a proto type at CES this year. You can see pictures and specs on their web site. Best looknig amp I have seen in a long time and judging from the CES show reports incredible great sounding. Probably not inexpensive though.
Well guys I had a pair of ML2.1's in my system the other day, I was fortunate to have a friend who brought over his pair. I had the mono's paired up with my current ARC REF3 pre and tried RCA and Balanced connection. Well my suspicions and others opinions here that they would not be the ideal match for my current speakers was correct. What I did hear was very nice though, I guess I could always look at bi-amping but unfortunately won't happen in this set-up.

Hi Husk01, yes the new DarTZeel mono blocks look very interesting indeed. I had started a thread prior about these amps but for what ever reason did not get much feed back as it seemed to be all hush hush and then they showed up at the show. Do you know what the power rating is on these.

Karan 1200's have peaked my interest, have you heard.
The secret in each speaker is the crossover. Some can be a very tough load - even with 92dB and 8 ohms -, when you have such a speaker, the only way to make them jump is: POWER.
There are loads of them out there.
A speaker with some low sensitivity AND a simple x-over, no problem to run it with SET...
BTW, never thought about those pics with MBL's and their connected power houses?
Hi Syntax, if you don't try you won't know and in the end trying these didn't cost me anything but some time and patience of a friend but I can say what they did was very nice, POWER isn't everything. There is another member who has the same speakers and actually using MasterSound tube amps so go figure.