Most Rockingest Preamp south of $2k used

I'm curious if anyone knows of, has heard about or owns a preamp that simply does the most justice to rock n roll, under $2k (or more) used. The one SS pre I owned (Odyssey) seemed a bit light in the mids and bass, arguably the two most important components to rock. Then I went tubes, and I think it's in the right direction. Regardless of SS or tube, I would think the ultimate rock pre would be a PRAT king, maybe even pushing the beat a little, certainly not laid back, with great bass, mids and dimensionality and overall musicality (vs analytical). Am I missing anything?

I'm tired of putting the cart before the horse -- researching what's for sale on agon as opposed to having a few models to look out for and keeping an eye out for them. Who's got a say in the most rockingest pre?

I would second the AI Mod3a but the company blows... worst customer service in the world. To bad because it's really a great product.
I have an Audio Valve - Eklipse, which is not south, but rather a little north of $2k used, but man does that thing rock. Very dramatic and a giant sound stage. And I listen to Prog rock which is really intense. Save some more pennies and go for it if you can. It definitely rocks! Check the reviews, give it a listen, and I'm sure you'll agree.
Tsciame is right, the Modulus 3A is hard to beat, but customer service is a misnomer in their case--if you need service.
I feel the same way you do about putting the cart before the horse, you just answered a question i posed in Agon about preamps and rock.
Have you found the Rockingest preamp? if you don't mind can you share your findings with me, so i can have a reference to start.
Thank you
Morgoth, still on the hunt. Like i said, Rogue is a great place to start, and just may be where one can end. I just haven't had the luxury of trying many pre's. But the Metis was damn good.