kory, there is a lot of variability in class D, but I'll try to answer never the less. As a group, class D amps seem to be quite linear through the frequency range. They tend to lack obvious empasized areas from the midrange down to the low bass. . . on the other hand, in olden days -- that means for models that are more than a couple of years old -- there was a tendency in more than some class D amps to sound 'matter of fact, with only moderate harmonic development and with less than stellar microdynamics. The result was at times more outwardly impressive than ultimately musical. In more recent times deesigners have been evolving topologies that have addressed such limitations. . . often by regulating the power supplies and by preconverting the AC to DC even upstream of the power supply with a variety of techniques. The more successful devices now are not only very linear top to bottom, have excellent bass authority, dynamics staging, imaging. . . but also possess excellent harmonic texture, extremely subtle micro dynamics, detail, and a very extended and 'musical' treble and bass. Some designs are very successful. . . while others may be just a little less.
Merry Christmas everyone! G.
Merry Christmas everyone! G.