Thinking about moving to a tube pre - suggestions.

Hello all,
I currently have a classe ssp-25 preamp, connected to a Hafler 9500 driving B&W DM640s. Sources Oppo 981, and Technics 1200SL TT (Ortofon 2M red) via a Bellari vp-129.

In your 1st hand opinion, would a tube pre w built in phono stage improve the sound from the Bellari / Classe ssp-25?

I'm considering the following..
Mapletree Ultra 4A SE
Quicksilver Full Function Pre

Any other options at similar price ranges are appreciated.

Also I read that tubes should be changed every year or so, because the sound quality decays slowly.

An Audio Research will crush all of those. A vintage 2C or 6B with a tubed phono stage is amazing! My personal favorites are Anthem or an MFA (if you can find one).
I would actually ( don't know your price range ) jump on the Audio Research SP 11 full function preamp( listed in this site ) .This piece is listed as just returned from A/Resarch for check up ..This would be just what the doctor ordered for you..Has a great phono stage to boot...........
As to the question about tube replacement. Power tubes in amplifiers need to be replaced about once a year, depending on amplifier design and how often you use them. Tubes in preamps often last 3 to 4 years or more, also depening on design and usage.
Elevick: Your right about that..Great all around piece..I owned sp6,8,9,and SP11 for years .Any of the SP6,8,10 or 11 would be great............