Power conditioner/protection question


I am assembling a budget system and I need an advice what power line protection or conditioner devices have to be included. The system is initially worth not more than $2000 of mostly used gear. The SS integrated amp (Classe CAP80, 100 wpc) will be the most power-consuming device in it. I live in a small town with (I believe) not many power spikes and irregularities but frequent thunderstorms and occasional power outages. I am not going to use the power protector for cables, phones etc.

Reading threads here I realized that spike protection is essential and the filtration of EMI/RFI noise is highly desired. So now I’m considering a PS Audio Duet surge/spike protector and power conditioner; few posters here said it improved sound quality which is an additional plus.

However, the Duet is around $200 (new). Would it be an overkill to have it for a $2000 system? Or should I buy something cheaper such as some Monster Cable products such as HTS 1000 Mkii surge/power conditioner? Or a Panamax MIP20-MAX Image Pro 20 amp Power Conditioner/ Surge Protector, here on sale for $65? Do I need a power conditioner at all? If not, will something like Furman PL-8II ($109) which is a filter and spike protection is enough?

Thanks for the help.
I would suggest replacing you wall outlet with a PS Audio Soloist (check their website) to start. If you decide you need more later you can always add on, but this gets you your protection and conditioning at the source to start.
I have never had an incident that would have been saved from a protector. I also never heard a conditioner that didn't make the sound worse in one way or another. Save your money
I don't believe its the worth of your system as a ratio to the worth of your power conditioner. The power conditioner should be good enough to do its job, period. I use a PS Audio Quintet (Duet's big brother). This is a non-limiting unit, which means you can plug your entire system into it w/o sound quality degradation. I used to own a Monster conditioner.

There may be a lot of intangible 'peace of mind' associated with this gear, though if you lived in a place w/frequent storms and/or with inconsistent or bad power I believe there would be some real benefit.

For the price of the Duet, however, I think it's worth it for the things mentioned above, and I would think that's all you really need to step into the realm of real power conditioning and protection (i noticed an improved difference with PS products vs cheaper alternatives, like Monster) w/o it being ridiculously expensive. The couple hundred bucks is worth it in my mind.

If your amp or any other unit has a fuse, technically you can plug it directly into the wall and be safe. In my experience, however, plugging into the wall vs the PS actually sounded worse.

If you want the peace of mind that surge protection brings and/or cannot install dedicated lines, then you could do a lot worse than a Duet.

In my situation moving one of the outlets closer to the system is not an option, so some kind of "extension cord" is required. I've tried a few alternatives and several years ago bought a VansEvers Clean Line (VECL) that has been in service since.

Recent system improvements brought to the forefront a previously subdued sharpness to "S" sounds on vocals. The character of this sibilance varied with each duplex of the VECL, but it was always there. Replacing the VECL with a Duet removed the sibilance with no loss of detail. If anything the Duet has added nuances of clarity and certainly hasn't subtracted anything.

BTW, my Duet only has a CD Player and tuner plugged into it. The amp is plugged into the wall. I do not know firsthand how it works with higher voltage equipment.