Is there life after a KXR? Help

I finally found the ultimate preamp. My own version of audio nirvana. The Ayre KXR. The trouble is I can't afford to keep it. So now I have to find a worthy successor. I'm especially interested in a tubed pre. If it has a great phono stage that's a huge advantage but not required. The rest of my system are Ayre MXRs, and Aerial 20t speakers. I've owned (and liked) an Ayre K-1xe, Levinson 380s, and I've tried using a Wadia system and forgoing the preamp altogether. I intend to buy something used. $10,000 is the top of my budget but I could eek out a tad more if I had to.

I just sold a used KXR, the first one ever available used. I don't think one could be had for less than $12,000. Mine sold considerably higher than that. I still have the MXRs which are the amps. I would have kept the KXR and sold the amps if that opportunity had arisen instead. However an additional consideration is that my speakers match best with SS and it's hard to think I would have found another SS amp I liked remotely as much as the MXRs. I used to have a K-1xe. Liked it. It;s definitely a steal. I know I won't be satisfied there again after the KXR. You've hit on some other choices on my list though.

There have been a lot of comments about BAT options. I read through a number of posts on past forums that suggest they don't mate well with SS amps. I also saw a number of comments that the ARC 3 has some hiss issues which is a pet peeve of mine. Can anyone comment on that?

Tom- I assume you mean Charles Hansen. Any idea on where I could find that thread? I doubt Mr. Hansen will take my call. He's not happy that I sold the KXR.
Hello Mike,

Yes, I was referring to Charles Hansen. The particular thread that came to my mind I believe was on Audio Asylum. Try doing a search under "Eidolon Diamond". He was speaking very positively about the sound of the Eidolon Diamond driven by BAT electronics. There may be other threads as well.

I know of others (including a personal friend) who have mated BAT tube preamps with solid-state amps with no issues whatsoever and have had incredible results. In my experience what you are reading is simply not. Unless there is a technical mismatch of the pairing and the amp is of commensurate quality you should get stunning results.

If you call BAT with the technical details about the amp you plan on pairing the 52se with they'll give you the honest truth if they will work well together. They have integrity and will not tell you something just to get a sale. I promise!

There is a review of the 52se on positive feedback if you care to read it ... allow your ears to be the final judge

All the best,
The logic behind this move escapes me. The KX-R is much more of a statement piece than the MX-R and is the foundation of a system. Good luck trying to replace it.