Is there life after a KXR? Help

I finally found the ultimate preamp. My own version of audio nirvana. The Ayre KXR. The trouble is I can't afford to keep it. So now I have to find a worthy successor. I'm especially interested in a tubed pre. If it has a great phono stage that's a huge advantage but not required. The rest of my system are Ayre MXRs, and Aerial 20t speakers. I've owned (and liked) an Ayre K-1xe, Levinson 380s, and I've tried using a Wadia system and forgoing the preamp altogether. I intend to buy something used. $10,000 is the top of my budget but I could eek out a tad more if I had to.

I struggled with that decision. In the end I decided the MXRs mate perfectly with my speakers and should therefore be kept together. They are both fabulous and I would have been disappointed to get rid of either of them.
I like the Bat option or you may want to look at the Atma-Sphere MP-1 that includes a killer phono stage. Why does Charly give a crap about anyone selling his stuff? I sold a pair of MXR's (couldn't drive my Soundlabs) and the dealer and Charly had a fit. If I buy something with my money and don't like it, isn't that my own decision not my dealers or Charly's at Ayre. Nice stuff way over priced. IMHO.
If you didn't like it, fair enough. To claim it's overpriced, even with the caveat of it being your opinion, is not credible.


Maybe try a used Einstein "The Tube" preamplifier?

On some level I agree with your comments about Mr. Hansens response to someone re-selling his gear, but on the other hand I appreciate their concern and care for their stuff. I think they take great pride in their work and should be commended for it.

I like the Atma Sphere idea but I'm not sure the current used offering is priced correctly and I need to find something sooner than later. I'm just beginning to explore the BAT option.

As to the rest of your post I value your opinion but I take issue with the last part.just because they didn't jive with your sound labs doesn't mean they are "way over priced". I have compared a lot of gear over the years and in the right system they are as good as it gets (IMHO). I'm obviously not the only one who thinks that.
