A weird thing happened to my Red Wine Audio 30.2..

I love my RWA signature 30.2 amp and in my system it works perfectly. In fact I like it so much that I thought I would take it to my local high-end store and show it off, since I was sure it would impress. However, when I hooked it up in the store it just did not bring the sound I am used to hearing from it. My friends who run the store justifiably shrugged it off and proceeded to swap three different, comparably priced amps, in to the same system, and one after another they wiped the floor with my pride and joy Red Wine Audio signature 30.2. The fundamental difference was in the much greater dynamics of these other amps to my 30.2. Is it possible that in moving it around or placing it in my very cold car for the drive over something might have happened to it? I'm basically wondering if others have had inconsistent results with their red wine amps. I am so confused and feel quite embarassed for having talked it up so much. My confidence in my amp is quite shaken.
The 30.2 is only 30 watts. Perhaps the speakers at the store simply needed more power than the 30.2 could deliver. It's all about system matching. As long as it sounds good in your system, that's all that matters.
Good comment from Cruz123. Base your confidence on what your ears tell you in a familiar listening environment and with familiar ancillary gear.

What speakers do you own vs those used in demo at the store? Also, maybe your room dimensions/acoustics differ a lot from that of the audio store? Finally, when you got it back home and hooked up...did it still sound great? That's the bottom line.
I understand system synergy.But had you thought about the fact that your RWA unit had been plugged into your system for a longer period.I do not begin an evaluation until a unit has had time to "settle in".Which I guess-timate to be about 3 days.
How did it sound when installed back in your system,and how long has it been back in?