Since you were tapping on the chassis, how do you know it is a power tube problem? Usually, microphonics develop in the gain/driver tubes (most often the smaller 9-pin twin triodes like 12 (AX,AT,AU) 7's, etc.
Try tapping the top of each tube individually with a WOODEN instrument like an ice cream stick or a pencil (not the eraser end ;-) to find out which tube(s) it really is.
Personally, I don't like dampers, but . . . . My position is either a tube is microphonic or it isn't. If it is, I replace it.
Try tapping the top of each tube individually with a WOODEN instrument like an ice cream stick or a pencil (not the eraser end ;-) to find out which tube(s) it really is.
Personally, I don't like dampers, but . . . . My position is either a tube is microphonic or it isn't. If it is, I replace it.