Upgrade bug has hit, interested in Pass Labs Amps

So as I am feeling the upgrade bug, I have been looking into upgrading my amp. Currently I have Bel Canto Ref1000s and I feel that the class D amps are not giving me the quality of sound that I would like to receive, lacking fullness and realistic qualities. So I have been looking into Pass Labs X250 and X250.5 amps, from what I have read these are very good amps and should be a considerable upgrade from my ref1000s???? Also what is the difference in the X250 and the X250.5? Is it worth the extra 1000-1500 that I have seen them for on here?
Also any other SS amps in this price range give or take a few dollars that are recommended?
The Pass amps are very good.The X series will probably mate better to the paradigms.I believe that if you were to upgrade to one of the others that you mention,it would be worth moving to an XA model.The efficiency and tonal quality will be more revealing.
The area in which you are unsatisfied with is notorious with a "non-preamp" configuration.Using a digital EQ might also remedy your problem,but you have to use good judgement when applying this solution.
>>01-10-09: Arbuckle
I totally disagree about speakers first<<

That's a shame because you're dead wrong.

Speakers first followed by an amp that matches them.

It's that simple.
the recording matters more than anything else.

if the recording is done poorly, the speakers will only reproduce a poor recording.

a master analog tape iswith a mediocre stereo system is prefereable to a poor recording with the best components.
My experience has been that the pre-amp has had more of an impact on sound quality than the of the amp. But as far as Pass Labs amps go they are excellent and I would suggest the X.5 series over the X series and the XA is better still assuming speakers synergy.
Audiofeil and Soix are correct. Back on topic, I owned the X-150 and upgraded to the X-600. That was a long time ago. I have never looked back on my evolutionary journey through class D.