The Most Musical Class A/B Power Amplifier??

Although I would rather have a used Mark Levinson, Pass Labs or Krell driving my new Maggies 1.6's I don't think it can happen. At my age I've got to think ahead to if/when one of these heavy monster amps will need repairs. Plus buying used, the likelyhood is that at minimum there will be capacitors that need to be replaced. I don't treasure having to pack up and ship one of these heavy amps for repairs. I don't think my back can take it.

So, my new focus is to find a class A/B 150 to 250 watt (8 ohms/double at 4 ohms) power amp that is musical with depth, produce voices and choral music well, has plenty of detail, is tube like, weighs less than 100LBS and can produce a wide sound field. I would also be interested in info regarding a pre-amp that would work well with the power amp in the most supportive and musical way. I am mostly analog but I do have a great CD player and many CD's. However 90% of the time I will play records and "Tape Project" reel to reel tapes. Thank you so much in advance for all of your great comments. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.
An upgraded to Platinum status McCormack DNA-125 will be pretty darn good. Only rated at 125wpc, but with that Piltron transformer, tons of current and could drive the Maggies very well. Mine is the same w/o the Piltron, and boy does it sound good for what the upgrades and used unit cost.

I also second the Karan! A little pricey, one of the best amps though.
I would look at Odyssey amps and talk with klaus;he can also set biasing more into class A on his amps as well;also
they have a 20 year transferrable warranty a nice reselling
I also vote to audition the belles and mccormack amps.