Hmmmm, I have not been here for a while..
TWL:the first reply never made it....
So I will type a second one.
I hear you about the checkbook etc.....
But if I had to go deaf in order to keep my wife......I would! I would smash it all, burn my two copies of Amused To Death, my Krall, the Stones, Floyd, Sting.....ALL of it...and give it all up for her. I would listen to 128 MP3's with what little hearing I had left, if any!
For that matter, I would do the same for my second best friend, Gumby, my sheltie! (thats where my name comes from on here by the way.)
Tunes are cool. My system is WAY cool. But I have not been able to cuddle up to my pre-amp like I do my wife.
The last time I tried making love to a line conditioner, I was in the hospital for a week! D/A converters dont hug you during your sons school play.
Cartridges wont go fetch a ball in the yard and listen to your every command. In fact, turntables tend not to be loyal at all. Even thought they can be a part of relaxation, they tend not to come over to you and give you a lick on the side of your face when you are stressed out. Speakers dont follow you to the houseboat for the weekend either.
I hope you are able to find what you are missing someday!
If you found the right one, there would be no question in your mind either.