CAT Legend vs WAVAC PR-T1 ?

can anyone say the differences between them?
Hi,I have had Cat pre-amps for the last 15 years,currently the outstanding Legend and the last thing to worry about with Cat pre-amps is tubes.Kens design is very easy on the tubes and it shows by the lack of problems with them.His new Legend is the finest I have heard to date bar none,If you want another opinion there is a review on of the Legend.

Agree with Bombaywalla, "eating through tubes" is a thing of the past with CAT; certaily with the Ulitmates and later. It is important to no let myth affect reality, especially in these difficult economic times. The CAT both sounds great and is easy on its preamp tubes.
I won't argue for SS, but after having owned CAT,LAMM,ARC,DODD, and JOULE, I have settled on the BENT TAP passive, it competes with anything out there if you have a good set up for passive. I would not call that SS though. I've not heard the CAT Legend, but I can't imagine anything Ken is putting out can be anything but good; still I would give a tranformer or autoformer passive and audition before concluding I have to pay 5-10x more for a great active preamp. SS? Never heard one I liked, but that's just me.