Low-powered, class A, solid-state integrated amps

Low-powered, pure class A, solid-state, integrated amplifiers. I can think of a few manufacturers who make them, but there must be more.


Can you help complete the list?
I don't know for sure it's class A but the Ayre AX-7e is an amazing piece of equipment at a bargain price. Boulder also makes an integrated. I think it's the 865. One just showed up used today but you'd better hurry.
Sorry, all - the Alternate Audio CA-35 that I mentioned in an earlier post is not an integrated amp (it requires a separate preamp, which they also manufacture).

At 50 wpc I'm not sure if it qualifies as "low-powered", but Music Hall makes a class-a integrated, the model is known as the Mambo. Has a built-in 24/96 DAC to boot. Here is a link.
Sorry folks - the Alternate Audio CA35 is not an integrated (it requires a preamp).

At 50 wpc, I'm not sure if it qualifies as "low-powered" but Music Hall makes a class-a integrated amp called the Mambo. Here is a link for more information.
Pass now makes a class A integrated, the INT-30A, based on their XA-30.5.
