Looking for a great el34 based amp

I'm Looking for a great el34 based amp. Easy to bias a plus.

Anyone recommend a really great unit?

The AES AE-25 Superamp, made by Cary, is a great sounding, versatile amp that can use EL34, KT88 and 6L6 tubes and is auto-biasing. It puts out 25 watts in ultralinear mode and 15 in triode. I own it and have also owned the Rogue Cronus. If you need the extra power of the Rogue it's a fine amp and it's easy to bias but I prefer the AE-25.
A used Music Reference RM9 - I think one of the best EL34 based amps ever made - but not "euphonic" - for that I would try an older Conrad Johnson like an MV50.
hi, one of the best el 34 amps I have ever heard was the conrad johnson premier 11 . warm , lush, huge soundstage and can be had for around 1200 dollars these days. if you dont mind not alot of really deep bass or super reaching highs, it had one hell of a reach out and touch it midrange. fantastic amp. good luck chrissain