Integra makes really, really good amplification. A few years ago, it surprisingly drove my CS5's about as well as I could want, without spending mega bucks. I compared it to many other pieces. They were hard to drive, dropping to below 2 ohms at about 70Hz as I recall.
As to processors, the Lexicon is very good, and the Receiver is good, as it's a Bryston design. I like the Lexicon, as their home products are a small portion of their efforts, with most of their focus being on studio work, at least it has been. They create the algorythms for delays, echo, etc, so I was told, and therefore know how to pull that apart very well.
B&K made, don't know if they still do, an excellent receiver.
Also, just wondering...given the price of labor in China, are the Japanese shifting any of their mfg to China these days. I don't know...
Wouldn't that be odd? Or, maybe not.