Did you ever take a step back

and put in perhaps an old component or cable in your system and go WOW...my CJ premier 14 preamp blew the left channel the other day so I brought in a sub - my old pv10 and I must say it has been quite enjoyable. As I have upgraded everything around it since it was in service, plopping it back in has been really cool! That rounded warm textured groovy tube sound is back (OK colored). I can hear into guitar amps that sound tubed and sweet themselves, acoustic guitar floats around sweetly, man. I have been missing that texture and didn't know it.

I think for me at least I have been in search of the holy linear grail to try and bring as much realism into the room as possible and lost some of the musicality of my system. The PV10 in the system with some fairly revealing components around it has brought some real enjoyment. Now for some tube rolling, awe there I go again!
I did, when I traded my much loved and holographic ARC LS2B for an ARC LS25.
I'm still not certain that my present ARC Ref 3 - jury still out until the hours of necessary(???) burning-in are accomplished - has all of the qualities of that much loved and much missed Line Stage.
I am wondering about the same thing from the other end. Is a step forward really worth it. I listen to arc equipment several generations old now-ref one, ph3se, classic 60. The music is very enjoyable. Despite what I read about the wonders of newer components can they really sound so much better and justify the time energy and expense involved in changing. I guess part of the answer lies in how much disposable income and free time you have to play with this hobby.
So much good sounding stuff...so many different flavors.......so little time to experience them all......
The biggest problem I have with spending long dough is the inability to audition components in my room to really determine if can get long term enjoyment on my investment. I don't have anyone around me willing to loan components, not even cables and I live in a fairly large metro area. Thank goodness for the cable company, if they have want you are interested hearing in stock.
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