need help on transparent sounding 12au7 tubes


I'm currently using NOS RCA clear top 12au7 in my Audio Valve Eklipse preamp. Looking for a 12au7 that's more transparent, detailed, maybe higher resolution to try with this preamp. Not looking for a tubey sound. Thanks.
Scar 972- Please let us know what tubes you end up with, and your observations. Tvad- What ever you enjoy is just fine with me(I don't have to listen to it). Rock on!
Thanks to all.
I've read that the RCA clear top I'm using are considered clear and not tubey. Last night, the system sounds amazing, and my initial feeling on this pre may be wrong, I have to listen more to know if I need to change tubes at all.
As I said in my previous post, all these recommendation is great because I will use them in the future, my listening preferences do change from time to time. FIY, just added pics of the new preamp to my page.
The Clear top should be in that "neutral" zone in most applications - and much cheaper than TF or Siemens. Glad it is working for you; you can drive yourself crazy rolling NOS and miss a lot of music while doing so. You might also want to try the RCA Black Plate version, again, much less than the Europeans.
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Tvad, ever compare the RCA 5814 with the 12au7 Blackplates (1954 or thereabouts)?