Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?

I would be very interested in finding out how one manages to justify (or sneak in the home) expensive audio equipment without having to sell your soul to the Devil? It's quite a challenge for many of us I think. I heard of someone buying a Bel Canto DAC and telling his girlfriend that " Oh it's just a $ 100.00 power conditionner", or whatever. Seem like we need to get creative here if we can pursue this crazy hobby much longer! Regards All...
I work she don't

I just say it's my money to spend..
you don;'t like it ..
hit the road!!
Simple. My girlfriend and I do not live together. So why should she complain? I even put together a system for her apartment. Besides, it is my house, my money, and I am more particular about aesthetics than she is.
I am lucky because my wife understands how important music and a quality audio system is to me. When I want to upgrade and finances permit she supports me all the way.
I love my wife. I also love my music. Let me just say, it ain't easy.

It would be great if my wife liked most of the music I do. She doesn't.

It would be great if my wife tolerated the volume I like to listen to music at. She doesn't.

It would be great if my wife would understand how much I love my music and then just let me play it when I want as loud as I want. She doesn't.

I've played for her upgraded equipment to show her how much better it sounded. She agreed it sounded better. Nothing else changed.

I told her about the concept of "the wife factor", that millions of guys go through this, that she's being a cliche. She was not impressed.

I love my wife. I also love my music. Let me just say, it ain't easy.