New amp or new cd player?

With which will i see a bigger improvement in my sound. I have a Mcintosh MA6450 integrated, Gallo 3.1 speakers, and an onkyo dv-sp404 dvd/cd player. Monster interconnects, and transparent music wave speaker cable.

Obviously my weakest link is the onkyo dvd player as a cd player. I was thinking about upgrading it to a naim cd 5i or classe cdp-102. However, I also know that my amp could be more powerful as it is 100wpc into 4ohms, but only 50/75? wpc in to my 8ohm gallo 3.1's.

My question is.. with which change will i see a greater improvemt? In my currently living sitatuon, the mcintosh easily powers my speakers louder than i can play them for an extended amount of time, but will more power equate to more bass? I was thinking about the Classe cap-2100, but will this result in more bass, and better imaging/soundstage/etc, or simply the ability to play louder, which i dont really need.

As for the cd player, I have a hard time believing a cd player can make THAT big of a difference (I am new to this high end audio stuff), although I know they must because all I have read on here and other places around the internet. Although I have also read that a decent cdp used as a transport, and a dac such as the bel canto dac 2, sound nearly as good as some of the very good cd players out there.

So.. long story short.. would i see a bigger improvement if i keep the onkyo as my cdp, and upgrade the amp, or if i keep the mac 6450 and upgrade the cdp?


Uh, IMO Monster cables are Monsters… but that’s just me.

I feel they, as well as the lack of synergy in a previous system were responsible for the outcome of that rig… which wasn’t good.

Right off I’d think long or hard about what I want to wind up with… Are these thoughts towards a new CDP or amp the end of the road? Or are these merely stepping stones to another level of performance which will likely then change again?

In other words, are you attempting to build a quite high end, most resolving and musical system, or just trying to iron out a couple issues and be done with things entirely?

RE Cables
Regardless what CDP or amp, you buy, ya gotta have wires to connect them.

To coin an abused but accurate note from around here, “Everything makes a difference.”

Good cables, again IMO, begin at around $250 a pair. Cardass Neutral Ref, AZ matrix II, MIT shotgun S3, etc. and other’s of course.

Just like in devices, mo will get you mo. Let your budget and ears battle that one out. Try the Cable Co. to investigate some possibilities there.

No matter what you get in a digital player or decoder, time will eventually downgrade it by comparison to current markets in it’s genre.

Sony usually makes a very dynamic player, Cambridge now has a well reviewed one but some accounts say it lacks punch, but is most musical. Many here seem to like rega, and the English brands. Other shoot for the Chinese units to get more bang for the buck.

In new CDP, I wouldn’t look to closely at models under $1000… unless they were gaining critical acclaim everywhere and I was stepping up from a lesser perch. I paid about that for a used sony as one of my first moves around here, a SCD XA 777es. I had and enjoyed it for years! Sold it recently. Other Sony models that come to mind as decent are the SCD 777es. Lots of these have been moded to perform far better too.

Mod right has done a lot of good on Dennon models too… and there are a few for sale right now, like in the 3910 modles which play everything I think. Some of these will cost over a grand though.

Maybe for now just shoot for a top Rega preowned and recently bought or lightly used, or a Jolita tubed unit, or for a wee bit more an Audio Arrow. Then add some upscale cables to allow that signal to pass along as unadulterated as possible, by trying some from the Cable co.

You’ve got a lot of headroom right now. Don’t let your head spin over the choices. Many are very good so the choice isn’t that hard. Excellent and perfect cost a good bit more so just get in where ya fit in now, and later on sell the whatever, and buy another!

The note on PC audio is a good one too. That’s why I sold my CDP. The pc performance level had surpassed it.

The better the DAC, the better that deal will be in the end.
The quality of sound rises as dollars spent rises. At some point the diminishing returns factor comes into play. Does the increase in dollars spent gain that much improvement.
If you ever get a chance go to an audio show or go to an area that has numerous audio stores. Listen!
You will come to the realization that there are components at a fairly low price that easily outperform much more expensive ones. As you begin to cut through the bull, you'll find that you can put together a very good system at a reasonable price.
Lots of Oppos used as transports at RMAF 2007, that seems to exemplify the point.
Magnumpi205 is right... I have an oppo too. it's performance level, arguably, came within 20-25% of my older xa 777es.

BTW the xa was $3K MSRP. The oppo DV 980H cost $175 shipped.

The comparison was closer with each going thru a good DAC... to the point where it became difficult for me to argue it with myself.

In essence, I've now got $2000 or so into a CDP playback system. But better performance, and lots better flexibility with differing formats and functions.The DAC even made my mega CDP sound lots better with only a cheap optical cable on it.
I tried out a friend's Oppo 980 and was not impressed with the digital output through my DAC. It was OK but was handily spanked by my Modwright 999es. There may have been something amiss as I later tried an Oppo 983, which I still have. Same digital cable, same DAC, same system - outstanding performance from that transport / interface. Alas, I no longer have the Modwright to compare it to. I was also disappointed with the DVD video performance of the 980, but to be fair did not tweak it much. The 983 video is outstanding - the very best I've seen just short of Blu-Ray. I can understand the video performance being better, but really don't get why the transport performance is so markedly different. From the standpoint of the 983 I'd strongly endorse the Oppo option. Once their BluRay player comes out you'll surely see many on the used market.

Also on the used market, at just above $1K a Modwright platinum signature truth Sony will be kicking butt and taking names.

IC's do certainly make a difference and Monster would be easy to improve upon, however, my opinion differs in that I'd still get rid of the player first as the investment there has potential to yield more given a $1K+ budget. There are also inexpensive IC options that may better your Monster. Signal, Blue Jeans, Anti-cable, are just a few that come to mind. On the used market for a song. Again, I'd suggest auditioning some options to make sure you can hear and care about the difference. There is definitely a diminishing point of return on investment and that will vary with every individual.
Definitely get a better source! But, as mentioned above, if your cables aren't up to snuff, you aren't getting the most out of your system. I had a Consonance Reference 2.2 (6H30 tubed CDP) which sell for around $700 used: a very decent unit. I then went to a upgraded Sony DVP-9000es model with Vacuum State level 6 mods. Sure, it sounded a little better, but I wasn't hearing everything. due to other problems in the chain (cables, lack of room treatments, noisy preamp). Since I have dialed in my system, the difference in the new CDP are obvious: it is so much more dynamic, instruments are layered, the soundstage is extended. But, I had to have the rest of my system at that (very high) level to really allow the player to come into it's own.

It is kind of like a car: you may have a big engine and great suspension, but if your tires are bald or your gas tank leaks, you won't be going very far or very fast. Upgrading one thing at a time doesn't yield obvious results at first: you will need a system that is at the level of that upgrade to really appreciate it.

Looking at the rest of your system, pick up a $1000-1500 (used) source, even better if it is a modded Sony (Modwright or Vacuum State) as you will get great bang for the $ with either one of those. Modded players don't hold resale value well: bad for the re-seller, but good for you! A stock player at that price won't touch a well-modded unit: you would have to spend 2-3x as much.

I also agree with the cable idea: some good cables available for under $100 used, especially if it is sold internet-only. I would also put money into room treatments: the best money I have ever spent on my system is for room treatments. Getting a $1000 CDP and dropping $500 with GIK Acoustics will be much more rewarding than spending $1500 on a used CDP.