Which Component Needs to be Upgraded First

I need your help. I am looking to upgrade a component in my system. My question is which of the components is the weakest link and should be the first to upgrade. source: Sony 333es SACD, Pre-Amp hand built by Veda Audio - Dyna Hi Kevin Gilmore design, B&K ST 140 amp, Talon Audio Khorous-X speakers (the speakers are not going to be considered for upgrading. Thanks for your wisdom.
I have found conditioners to degrade sound and limit current/dynamics. I would have to say spend that money on direct 20 amp lines to your room before a line conditioner.
Also get a decent power cord.

I know many differ on opinions of power conditioners, so this is just my experience.
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Grannyring, you are so right. Ironically, I put a Zhaolu DAC behind the Sony CDP. I learned about it from Head-Fi.org, another favorite site of mine. Wow, that is so cool that you also owned the B&K ST-140 and the Talon Khorous X speakers. Mike Farnsworth of Talon Audio took care of me and re-did the cross-over network on the speakers. I was sorry to hear that he had trouble with his business and sold. I will follow the broads for the Monarchy amps. What makes them so special when mated with the Talon's? I find the Talons to be heavy on bass and mid-bass. You didn't find that to be the case? I thank you for your insight.