verdict on class D amps?

I saw a thread about seymour ice amps.... anyone have any experience with these compared to conventional amps? I was planning on picking up a used pair of bryston 7st or a single 14 st however for similar money (& power) the new ice 50001 is available. In car audio there it doesn't seem like class D is very good except for sub duty. Is the same true for home stuff? Presently I have a adcom GFA5500 which was going to get thrown on rear surrounds & I was going to use parasound HCA1500 on my speakers untill I can afford something newer/better for my old infinity kappa 8.1 speakers

I replaced a Pass X250.5 in my system with a pair of Channel Island D-200 monos and it sounds just as good as it always did. I put $2k back in my pocket (I purchased used), and don't have the heat or strain on my back like I did with the Pass. As a side note, for what it's worth, I've been a musician since the 60's and I own my own recording studio, so I feel I have a pretty good ear for sound quality. My speakers are SP Tech Timepiece 3.0s which are 85 db sensitive, and I don't need a sub. My speakers go down to 30hz and the D-200s push them with ease. I say give'em a try. You may or may not like them. I do.
I had been skeptical of Class D amps based upon various comments but then I listened to a setup consisting of the Kharma Matrix MP 150 amps driving Kharma Ceramique 3.2 speakers with a modded Marantz CDP and CJ Art pre and the setup sounded excellent with female vocals and piano in my very short audition (due to other reasons). Definitely not a technology to write off without auditioning.
The Channel Islands are great amps. I prefer the Hypex UCD class D technology over the B&O ICE class D type. I sold a Karan $6k integrated and went with UCD Class D and thoroughly enjoy it with a tube preamp.
I have X250.5 & replaced with Nuforce Ref9SE V2 , it actually sound better than my Passlab in my system. I took my Nuforce to compare with a big Krell, wow my friends were amazed how good they sound in his system. I am looking for a match tube preamp for my Nuforce, I was told on the phone class D amp are just toys by a local audiophile store after 20mins with him, he told me to come to the store and listen to their reference system. And that is what music sounds like. So i took my Nuforce down to him, we sat down and listen to his system, wow it did sound better than my system. Then another 10mins on class D toys lecture, he finally agree to put on my Nuforce. After 10 mins music on cd, we have 2 hrs of music on his Lp collection. He acually apologize for what a hard he was before , that tell you how good it sound in his system.
I love my Gilmore Raptor class D monoblocks. Coupled with a Supratek Chenin preamp and Infinity RSIIb speakers, they sound as good as anything I have heard.