Cayin A70T has bogus tube rectification?

I hate starting this thread. I am also a little hesitant because

a.) I bought the amp and hate the thought of its resale value after I post this

b.) I am not an electronics expert, so I have to rely on other experts for the facts.

Here is the basic story. I bought the amp from an audiogon member about a month ago. A friend of mine bench tested it and found a very large amount of crossover distortion on the scope. We unbuttoned the amp to look at the circuit and try and figure out what was wrong - but that is a side issue. The real issue is that there were four diodes strapped to the base of the 5AR4 which formed a solid state bridge rectifier. The bridge appears to completely bypasses the tube. The tube seems to just stands in the socket doing nothing but glowing. My friend had questioned this before I bought the amp because he says that a single 5AR4 is marginal for four KT88s. Usually you will see two.

I found a site (which I did not realize was in the Phillipines) where I blogged about this. There was some very good discussion there between very knowledgeable electronics guys and they came to a seemingly inescapable conclusion that the tube was there for show - as a marketing add-on to capitalize on the idea that tube rectification is better than solid state.

Here is the link to the thread on that forum (go to page 18)

We are waiting for Cayin to respond to this issue, but they are in the middle of Chinese New Year (which last 15 days) and are not available for comment. If the evidence weren't so compelling, I would wait for their response before posting this.

There is a slight chance that we missed something in our analysis - but the fact that one of the contributors to the discussion actually pulled the rectifier tube with the amp turned on, and it kept running (now that I think about it, he didn't say how long he left it on, so he may have been running on capacitance) and the fact that a pretty critical analysis of the circuit does not reveal any function for the tube, I decided to post this on Audiogon in order to bring this issue to light in the USA and Europe.
If your theories are correct the Cayin is being misrepresented. On the other hand, if you like the sound what's the problem, I have a Cayin phono stage, good for the money. My Art Audio amp has SS rectification and I love the sound. Don't necessarily agree that tube rectification is inherently better than SS rectification. Ultimately, sonics are much more important than design.
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How did you measure the 5-10% crossover distortion? I have never heard of Class A1 and A2 either. Is this something your creative friends invented?

Since you got it 2nd hand, is it possible that the previous owner changed the rectification?
I have two cayin products and five VAS products. The same distributor handles both in the USA.

I have the cayin 70 and 100 units. Never any problem.

Please contact the distributor,

There service and support of me has been excellent.
I am the who serviced this amplifier, need to enter this discourse. I am creative, however, not creative enough to invent "class A1"! Anyway, I repaired the xover distortion problem by change in bias current. I would like to install 2 5AR4s, not so fast....not so easy! No centertap on the power transformer for normal full wave rectifier application. I could set up as a bridge if we had a second 5 VAC winding for the second 5AR4 fil. Needs separate 5 v. taps. Another problem, one OR two 5Ar4s likely fail after the first "hot switching" event. Hot switching is when power lapse for few seconds, power returns, 5AR4 cathode is still hot....current surge...charging the large 700 UF filter caps in the Cayin.
SS diode power supply can sound good..true....the deception in the marketing of this product is what is disturbing. Not sure we want to change the power transformer...... Filter values...can fast become complete power supply re-design.