Integrated amp under $ 500.

Hi, I am looking for an Integrated amp under $ 500 (New/Used). Any suggestions ? I have had odyssey audio pre & power amps, looking for a cheaper option to drive Duevel Bella luna Diamante. thank you.
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It all depends on what you have to do. I imagine the Duevels like a lot of juice, and if you had to go into an integrated for under $500 - I'd second the Acurus DIA-100
You didn't mention whether tubes or SS but in the tube category the Jolida 102B with the very sweet 6BQ5 (EL 84) tubes is a great integrated providing ~ 20 watts per channel. Also in that same category the Sophia Baby is great if you have fairly effecient speakers.
There is a Acurus DIA 100 MKII on the site now for $425, better than the original one and 2 outputs.
some info
Vish: not sure what you meant by your comment "I am keeping my current amps". Are you no longer looking? If still looking, I would also highly recommend the Acurus DIA100. It still drives my old B&W matrix 803s2's, and I love this integrated! Mine is not for sale, lol!