Integrated amp under $ 500.

Hi, I am looking for an Integrated amp under $ 500 (New/Used). Any suggestions ? I have had odyssey audio pre & power amps, looking for a cheaper option to drive Duevel Bella luna Diamante. thank you.
You didn't mention whether tubes or SS but in the tube category the Jolida 102B with the very sweet 6BQ5 (EL 84) tubes is a great integrated providing ~ 20 watts per channel. Also in that same category the Sophia Baby is great if you have fairly effecient speakers.
There is a Acurus DIA 100 MKII on the site now for $425, better than the original one and 2 outputs.
some info
Vish: not sure what you meant by your comment "I am keeping my current amps". Are you no longer looking? If still looking, I would also highly recommend the Acurus DIA100. It still drives my old B&W matrix 803s2's, and I love this integrated! Mine is not for sale, lol!
I still think the Onkyo A-9555 is one of the best integrated amps in this price catagory.
I recommend Rotel RA-1062. Retail for $700, but you should be able to get a used one within your budget.

I have one, and it sounds great. I used it to drive my ProAc monitors.