Amp rec for AR REF3/CD7, & SF Auditor M's/REL B2

Would appreciate some guidance on selecting an amp to replace my ML 334. The ML 334 is a fine amp but I am looking for a better compliment to my AR electronics and my SF/REL speaker system. I have heard the new Ayre monoblocks and they are spectacular with my system, but exceed what I am willing to do cost-wise.

Any input would be most appreciated. I would especially be pleased to hear from anyone who happens to have a setup identical or at least similar to mine. Recommendations that stay south of the Ayre's $18,500 price would be equalling pleasing to learn about. ;->

Although I would prefer a SS amp, I would at least consider a tube-based or hybrid design.

Thanks in advance!
I also have CD-7/Ref 3. I have tried several higly regarded amps, including such benchmarks as Pass X-350.5, and ARC Ref 110 was the best match by far.

The only amp that bettered Ref 110 in my system so far was DarTZeel 108, but DarT is almost $23.000.
I can only support Elberoth2 recommendation. Once you own the CD7/Ref3 combo it is not easy to find better than the Ref110 without great expenditure. Sometime ago our local Ayre distributor brought the monoblocks for a short hearing in my system and they also sounded great with the CD7/Ref3. At that time I owned SF Stradivari and the Ref 100 did not have power enough for them in my room. I successfully used both Nordost Valhalla and Shunyata Antares/Orion with the ARC combo.
I have heard this front end (Ref3, CD7) in combination with the Aesthetix Atlas Hybrid Amplifier and a pair of Vandersteen 5a's. It was a great combination. To me, the Atlas may be the best amplifier I have ever heard. At $8K list it is still a bargain.
I recommend that you audition Lamm M 1.2 Reference hybrid monoblocks. I have the AR Ref 3/CD 7 combo and the Lamm has a wonderful synergy with them. My speakers are Dynaudio Temptations. YMMV. Best of luck in your search.