Do amps sound better when left on for 30 minutes ?

Do amps sound better just by having it left on for a while, or do they have to make sound in the warming up process ?

I agree with the idea that playing the equipment speeds up the warming period. Also solid state takes along time to get stable on cold startup. That's why I usually leave my solid state on 25/7. I turn my tube equipment off, but they too warm up much faster when played rather than sitting silent. Tubes also get to a stable point faster IMHO.
It's actually pretty much an industry standard to leave solid state equipment on all the time. The designers say that the "rush" from turning on and off is more detrimental to the equipment. Tube gear, of course, would burn through tubes too often, so they need the half hour or so of warm up time.
My experience is that they don't warm fully unless they are playing music. I can leave my kW500 on for hours and it still needs playing time before it performs at its best.
I have a tubed amp and preamp and they always sound better after a warmup time of 30-60 minutes.
I have tube equipment and turn them on and put cd on ( low volume ) play for 45-60 minutes..Usually cd is finished and is ready to go.......