How to hook up 2 amps from one set of pre outs?

I have a Simaudio I-5 (70W X 2) which is not quite powerful enough to truly push my (Inefficient yet wonderful) Egglestonworks Fontaine's. I am considering adding a slightly older Celeste SimAudio 4150se into my system (150W X 2, versus 70W X 2). Should be enough power. I have a TBI VI powered sub which is currently being fed it's signal from Pre Outs on I-5. How do I connect the 4150se from Pre Outs and my TBI sub at the same time? Can I use a Y Connector on PreOut's? Or is this a no no.
Or you can have a full length set of y cables built. I know audioquest has done them in the past; no reason why other manufacturers could not, if they do any custom work.
I just had a set of dual balanced cables made to bi-amp my speakers. Try Frank at Signal Cable, he made them for me.
I have a custom set of Y connectors [ 1 male to two females] that Audioquest made for me with their Emerald cable when I had this problem. Contact me if interested.
I always assumed the signal impedence would be altered tying in a second component to a single set of outputs (signal devided in half). I also assume you could add another main out and tie that into circuit (rather than simply pig tailing 2nd out) to maintain signal integrity. Perhaps I'm wrong, some more technically savvy member should know.