what happened to Cary 500MB?

I came across a review from '05 of the Cary 500 mono blocks, and they thought they were outstanding!! So I researched some more, these are supposed to be amazing for SS, everyone's stoked and then, by mid'06 - nothing. Nary a mention. Can't find any used ones.
Still on Cary's website, though.
What happened? Maybe no one knows (like where the Federal Reserve has been lending money - sorry - I digress) - or did they "fall out of favor"? Although I didn't come across anything negative about them??
There were some here about 3 months ago.Only have seen them 2-3 times in 8 years here.Forget the price except it was midway like 1500-2K???Anyway I wondered about them also and would of liked to try being an addict.They looked very plain in the pictures,probably a sleeper I thought at the time....sorry I cant tell you more.Too bad a guy can't go back through the past here to peruse.....
I have a pair and they are the best amps I have ever had, beyond a doubt. I bought them on Audiogon about 5 months ago. I didn't know they had been discountinued, but I was wondering why they didn't have them at CES. If you have hard to drive speakers, especially Maggies in my case, they can be a final piece to the puzzle.

I just bought a pair about 5 weeks ago on Audiogon. I've seen probably a half dozen pairs listed on Audiogon in the last year. The asking price range was probably 3400-4400.
If you keep your eyes open, you will probably find a pair, but you won't be seeing mine listed! I love these amps. They are rather plain looking but boy do they sing! They are a very nice match for my Maggies.

I have to wonder what the market acceptance might have been if they had put another $500 into cosmetics