what happened to Cary 500MB?

I came across a review from '05 of the Cary 500 mono blocks, and they thought they were outstanding!! So I researched some more, these are supposed to be amazing for SS, everyone's stoked and then, by mid'06 - nothing. Nary a mention. Can't find any used ones.
Still on Cary's website, though.
What happened? Maybe no one knows (like where the Federal Reserve has been lending money - sorry - I digress) - or did they "fall out of favor"? Although I didn't come across anything negative about them??
If you are interested contact Kevin at Upscale audio, if there are any left at Cary he may be able to hook you up, he is their biggest dealer.
I have one and could not be happier. Really great amp for the price. There is one listed now, you may want to grab it if you really interested.
The 500MB is the only amp I bought twice. It has gobs of power (I have had great success driving Audiostatic speakers, that are 72dB efficient), great dynamics and bass slam, exceptional soundstage depth and above avg mirodynamics. The only thing it lacks compared to the very best solid state offerings - like DartZeel for example, is the lack of the last bit of fluidity and HF clarity, and a bit of ss glare.

This is an exceptional amp for the price.