Tired of Problems with Tube Equipment

I switched over to tube audio equipment in some form some years back, and have certainly enjoyed music played back through them. I have had amps, preamps, and DACS at different times utilizing tubes. One unfortunate thing that's been common to all the tube equipment I've had are problems. It doesn't seem to matter whether the manufacturer is large or small, built in the USA or overseas, they all have had problems. Capacitors blowing out, bad solder joints, tubes only lasting a short time, loud pops that mysteriously go away on their own, etc. Although I have enjoyed the sound (and that beautiful glow!), I am starting to get tired of this and thinking of going back to solid state.

Have any of you also gone back (or thought about it) to solid state for this reason? What has your experience been with the reliability of tube equipment?
My first experience w/tubes was a 400 dollar repair bill after three months playing music through it. DOUGH!
A 400 dollar repair bill on an ampifier doesn't tick me off near as bad as the 500 dollar repair I just paid for a leaking toilet. A house sucks up more dollars than any stereo or car repair, even a BMW, TVAD.
boy, that brookstone stereo looks better and better each day. low maintainance and great sound. i own one.
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Well, I'm back in business after the last tube escapade. I suddenly had two separate problems: one tube in one channel wasn't measuring any bias voltage, and popping in the other channel. The was the reason that I started this post; two sudden problems which superseded the others I've had. Anyhow I was able to solve both problems without any major repair bills. The first problem was a wire that came off the bias measurement terminal which I resoldered. The second problem was a bad 6c33c power tube; luckily I had a replacement. So for the time being I'll continue tubing along!