Rowland Continuum 500, RCA vs. XLR

I recently got a Continuum 500 and using it with an RCA I/C to my Accuphase DP500 CDP. I understand this CDP is a fully balanced design, as well as the C500. I am trying to decide whether it is worth changing my I/C to XLR, or just leave it. I use a 1.0M RSA Poiema for my I/C and changing this to XLR is not cheap, so would appreciate thoughts from C500 owners who have compared it on RCA and XLR mode.
Definately. I also have the Continuum 500 and you will benefit from using the XLR. Jeffs products are truely balanced and you will get lower noise floor and more resolution.

You will benefit slightly by changing single ended to balaanced interconnect ONLY if both cables are of absolutely the same quality.

If your single ended interconnect is of superior quality then keep it - you will have much more joy (less noise and more resolution too)

Finally, I doubt if Continium 500 is fully balanced versus only balanced input (with XLR).

If its fully balanced i.e. balanced from the unput to output then you must ask manufacturer and not this forum - how they treat the signal coming from RCA input.

For example, while I use single ended cables my two monoblocks treat them in fully balanced fashion. i.e. from the input to the output I have two signals - equal but opposed polarity.

Simontju - Continuum 500 is a class D creature. It cannot be balanced input to output. It has balanced inputs and fully balanced pre but it's converted to duty cycle (time) in analog modulator to finally drive full Mosfet bridge.