If you were a tube preamplifier manufacturer

We all know NOS tube prices are increasing and getting hard to be obtained day by day,there are several new production power tubes accepted fine performer such as Gold Lion Reissue KT88 and KT66,Shuguang KT88 SC, EH 6CA7,JJ KT77, etc.. among the audiophiles.
If you were a tube preamplifier manufacturer,which type and brand preamp tube you would choose from the new production tubes and why?,considering
its linearity,frequencies band from top to bottom, noise and microphonic clearness ,dynamic and rich midrange spectrum,etc.. ( I find some tubes are noisy or microphonic some has great top end but loose the bass region or just the opposite ...)
Is there any new production preamplifier tube being great performer like the new production power tubes mentioned above?
Although they are not NOS tubes, I know ARC and Conrad Johnson keep supplies of tubes in stock that have to meet their stringent tests. The drawback is that they are least double the price that you would pay if you purchase from an independent tube seller. Of course, they are not going to be offering a line of tubes, but only the ones they use in their components. I think that most of the great tubemakers of the past are dead and with them part of the art of tubemaking died.
Thanks for your inputs,Thorman, EI is also added to the NOS category since it has no production currently,yes Cruz as I have indicated there are a number of
very good current production power tubes but still I wait for any specific recommendation for preamplifier tube worth to produce a preamplifier around it, ie EH 6922 or JJ 12AU7,etc..
I would have to choose one of these, as they are the only current production, small signal tubes that come close to the performance of the cream of the NOS crop: (http://www.euroaudioteam.com/ecc803s.php) (http://www.euroaudioteam.com/ecc88.php)
Redman- have you actually used the EAT tubes yourself? Lots of folks are interested in hearing about their performance, esp considering that I'm told that their cost is up there with the good NOS tubes.